Several months ago I saw my first IKEA but I didn't actually go inside - it was a quick freeway fly-by. But the way people talk about this place you would think the Greeks left out one of their gods and we're just hearing about it. There's been so much hype about the grand opening here that I decided to wait a couple of months to let things die down before visiting for the first time. Last weekend Samantha and I came upon a little mother/daughter girl time and decided it was a prime opportunity to lose our IKEA virginity, except instead of lighting candles and getting a nice little room overlooking the water we entered the great and spacious building that bears my high school colors. BLUE! YELLOW! Hard to miss. Here's what I learned.
1. Quote from Samantha: "Little furniture, BIG napkins!"
2. These birds have big butts and I cannot lie.
3. Ligon Berry juice from the fountain!
4. I don't know what ligon berry juice is!
5. Giant pebble ice, like Sonic ice that hasn't been to fat camp. Awesome.
6. The sign says "Swedish Meatballs", but how do I know they didn't just get it from the giant bag at Costco? This weighs on me and compromises the European feel I'm going after.
7. Still. GIANT pebble ice.
8. Pitcher or Neti Pot? I'm still not sure.
9. Garden Gnome ornaments. You start off wondering, "Who? Why?" and then the cashier says, "That will be $2.98 please."
10. You are the weakest link, hej da!
One thing I know for sure, we have a lot more in common with the Swedes than I thought:
I love Ikea. You had a much more interesting experience than I did.
It took me some time but I came to really love IKEA. Mostly I love the knick-knacks... a plate for 25 cents, a glass jar for $2, that kind of thing.
Your mother STILL has never been in an IKEA store...
I've been in one of those once. Too overwhelming for me.
I <3 IKEA. Went last week. Ready to go again!
What I know for sure about IKEA...GAVE ME FREAKIN' MAZE NIGHTMARES and I actually got claustrophobic trying to get out of there. Nothing is worth that feeling...not even big butted birds or fatty lard rabbit poop ice. Wait, I'm thinking about the ice...
We love IKEA! I've been known to use a trip to IKEA as bribery to get my kids to do stuff. Just today my 6 year old pitched a fit because we didn't go there for the Monday morning free breakfast.
To all your friends who LOVE Ikea, I'm sure you're wonderful people or you wouldn't be friends with Vern...however... I've been to Ikea...not sure I care if I ever go again.... Crate and Barrel on the cheap...really cheap. Sorry. Just being honest.
I kept reading this thinking IKEA was some sort of car. I was confused,we don't have stores that sell scary mini gnomes in Montana
I went to Ikea once. I even blogged about it.
I haven't been back.
There wasn't much there that made sense to me. I felt like a sheep following the arrows.
I bet you totally love that Neti pot.
My son and husband tried to convince me that when you are in IKEA, it's pretty much like actually being on Swedish soil...sort of like an embassy kind of deal.
I didn't buy it. I did, however, buy many, many pillows.
Even though your feet hurt and you are exhausted when you make it through, it's still an adventure. My kids LOVE to go to IKEA. My youngest barely fits in smallland, but thinks it's great, and the oldest daughter likes to organize the stuffed animals and get them all back in the proper bins.
IKEA....went once a couple of years ago...haven't been back since!
Awesome photo tour of IKEA - I've slaved away for 2 decades making healthy meals for my family, but the one dinner they all like? IKEA meatballs. Traitors.
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