
Monday, June 4, 2007


Hint: When someone tells you about a cheap movie theater in town, you can assume it is probably not in the best area. In addition, when the person giving you directions says, “It’s in the strip mall right between the Dollar Store and a Bingo joint”, you should probably be prepared for something extra special. Finally, when they say it’s “cheap” they are only talking about the price of admission. Popcorn is still $73. However, if you ask for enough straws you’ll be surprised how far a drink will go between five people.

Brought to you by someone who participated in the complete annihilation of last month’s budget.


Rachel said...

Ah...last month's budget! It has such amazing powers! Be glad it only drives you to shady movie theaters, as you are now speaking to a proud new owner of 15 packages of Ramen noodles and 6 boxes of mac & cheese... (P.S. I feel kind of cheated because people said that Ramen noodle days end after college. But I've been done with college for almost a month and they're growing stronger! It's all a lie.)

Anonymous said...

I'm reminded of a person I know who once removed her own stitches in an effort to save a $10 co-pay. Whenever I feel like I'm a bit on the tight-fisted side, I just think of YOU with a pair of Fiskars doing the work of people who spent over six years and thousands upon thousands of dollars in training....
-I really have to say that I'm thoroughly enjoying making fun of you in a public venue.

Anonymous said...

It was a TWENTY-FIVE dollar co-pay and at least I don't make my kids SHARE a happy meal! Who gets the toy when you do that anyway? And how much personal money do you have to give up to cover the depreciation of your car on the way to McDonalds?

Kerri said...

Ha, Cinema Grill. Yes, we've been there. But you can't eat there or your budget is ripped apart, as you now well know.

And you removed your own stitches?!?!?!!? Ginger's letting out some of your secrets....

Anonymous said...

GEEZ GINGER! Be nice to Kristy! Even if she's cheap, she's still our friend!!!

Randi said...

You have a bingo joint on your side of town? THAT sounds like a cheap date night! Roll down the panty hose, I'm comin' over!

Anonymous said...

I am not going to take credit for my sister's actions. Just because our names start with the same does EVERY PERSON IN OUR FAMILY...OK we really need some family counseling! Seriously, if it were me and I had known that you could take out your own stitches, I would have. I am the queen of cheap!
And by the way, I am not mad at all :-)!

Anonymous said...

What exactly does it mean to "roll down the panty hose?" Is that what the Davis clan does for a "cheap date night"? Sounds a bit immoral/creepy to me.
And GEEZ GINGER!!! If your going to let out Kristy's secrets, at least acknowledge that it's YOU!

Anonymous said...

GGGGGanelle: You are from hell. And if you don't watch yourself, I will tell your mother to ground you from the computer. That's what happens when you live with your parents.