
Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I'm a mom, that's no secret. But lately I have accumulated more proof. For instance, it's new territory for me to buy my child deodorant, get a $3000 orthodontia estimate, and have conflicting sporting activities for each of my kids at the same time in opposite directions. I'm also outgrowing my usefulness with homework help, which I honestly didn't think would happen for a little while longer. And for the record, children don't seem to appreciate it when you look at the work they've asked you to help with only to say, "Huh, I used to know how to do that."

Just the other night I noticed that my daughter looked emotionally, physically, and mentally spent. I looked on in sympathy and asked, "Samantha, what do you need honey?" Her expression grew fierce as she spoke with daggers, "I need to be able to RIP up this homework and have my teacher be okay with it!!" I applauded her ability to articulate precisely what she wanted, but remained powerless to help.

Yep. Gathering more and more proof all the time.


Heather said...

$3,000 that's a steal. I love her thought on ripping up the homework- too funny.

Anonymous said...

I'm still at the stage when the problem is 9+6=15. I savor this every day.


Anonymous said...

Oh-My-GOSH! Samantha is starting to sound JUST LIKE KRISTY!!!! That's a little too freaky.

talitha said...

Oh, yeah...welcome to the advanced stages of parenthood. Toddler years start feeling like a long, lost dream...

It is way fun, though. Way fun. I'm not saying that you won't wake up screaming sometimes...but still, overall, fun.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only one with brain atrophy! I swear I can't help Em with half of her homework! Wouldn't it be fun to rip up the homework just once!

Randi said...

You'll also be coming up on the delights of explaining feminine products and arguing about why a midnight curfew is going to have to be sufficient.
And when you do, we want to hear all about it!
Gotta love growing kids.